5 Aspects of a Comprehensive Content Marketing Strategy

| February 19, 2016

5 Aspects of a Comprehensive Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is a slow and subtle form of gaining recognition for your company, but it works. It doesn’t influence the ROI as much as it influences the prospective customer’s mindset. It shows your prospective customers that you have knowledge, that you know and understand your industry, and you’re active in it.

In today’s highly competitive market and you need to take advantage of every marketing strategy you can. It would be unwise to ignore content marketing and just focus on easier strategies. If you plan well and have a system in place, content marketing isn’t difficult to manage. Consider the following aspects of content marketing.

1. Written Content

Most would consider this the easiest aspect of content marketing. You just need to write a few articles, include some keywords, and post in on your blog or website. However, it’s much more complicated than that. If you want to retain your audiences’ attention, you need to publish something that’s well written and informative. That requires thought and research. While the goal is to showcase your knowledge of your industry or explain your products, you want high authority websites to link back to you as well. That’s why it’s important that you plan your written content well.

2. Visual Content

If your website or blog just holds written content, it would quickly become bland and unimpressive. Your audience will move on to better websites with more attractive content. You would want to avoid that. The only way to retain your audience interest is to present diverse content that would keep them engaged. You should include infographics, pictures, and videos in your content marketing strategy as well. It’s not as difficult or expensive as it sounds and would definitely increase your visibility on the search engines.

3. Quality

There are some people who keep posting articles on a regular basis even if the topics get repetitive and boring. They believe that posting a large number of articles is more important than focusing on quality. That’s not the case. While you do need to post articles at regular intervals, you need to make sure that the content is well researched and of good quality. If you don’t do that, your audience will start losing interest. Moreover, all of your efforts would also start to lose its effectiveness. It’s always a good idea to post less frequently instead of compromising quality.

4. Keywords

If you find good quality keywords that fit in naturally into your content, you don’t have to worry about anything. However, if you write an article that offers no value to the reader and is stuffed with keywords, you risk your reputation. While keywords are a part of content marketing, they’re not the most important part.

5. Value

Before you even start planning your content, you need to remember that it should offer your audience value. If it doesn’t, you’re wasting your time and effort. The idea is to share your knowledge with your audience and show them that you’re aware of your industry. You can’t do that if you don’t write content that provides value.