How To Win at Creating Video Content

| February 1, 2017

How To Win at Creating Video Content

One of the many predictions that marketers are making for 2017 is the rise of video content and their effectiveness in marketing. Video has always been a popular method of advertising, but video content is very different to video ads. Ads promote a product and are very short. They’re meant to inform people about your company and show that you exist. That’s it.

Video content, on the other hand, are informative. They might show how to use a product, or provide you with some general information. It can create more than 3 times as many visitors to your website as any other form of content. Naturally, you want to create good videos. Here’s how to go about it.

Understand your Audience

Planning the content for the video is the hardest part of video content making. You can’t just ape others and do what they’ve done. You want your videos to be unique, informative, and engaging. To do that, you need the best possible content. Your target audience will help you create the content. All you need to do is a little research.

You should check what’s trending amongst your customers. You can look into the content that they like to read. If some of your articles or blog posts get more attention than others, you should consider them as well. The idea is to understand what kind of content they like.

Ask Your Audience

There are several successful YouTubers that conduct Twitter contests, asking people to vote on the content of their next video. You can set up an account asking your audience what they would like to see, or which product they would like you to feature. Directly asking your audience will also give you an indication of their preferences. You can use the data you gather to create future content.

Keep Your Brand In Mind

Video content is all about providing your customers useful information. It’s not really about brand promotion in any way. However, that doesn’t really mean that you can’t subtly promote your brand message. You should be careful not to promote on content videos, because that would put your audience off. However, the best video content is a mix of brand objective, the interest of the audience, and whether it can be done.

You have to decide what kind of message you want to convey in your videos. You need to take audience interest into account. And finally, you need to check whether you can actually create such a video. It’s better to have no video at all than to have a bad quality video.

Connect With Your Audience

When you’re creating the video, your first priority needs to be the tone of the video. Even very good content can be rendered dull and uninspiring if it’s not presented well. You need to establish a connection with your audience. You can do that by keeping your tone friendly and casual.

If you follow these steps, you will be able to create content that will attract more people to your website and increase your authority.