How to Turn Your Failures into an Opportunity to Learn

| January 29, 2016

How to Turn Your Failures into an Opportunity to Learn

Every business owner faces failure in one form or the other. The world of business is uncertain and unpredictable and a lot depends on factors that you can’t control, like your customer behaviour and trends, competitors, and the market itself. Failure can happen for any reason and at any time.

How you deal with failure and what you learn from it can be the difference between some loss and a total loss. Every failure is a lesson that helps you improve. You need to learn how to handle it well. You can do that by considering the following points.

Plan for Failure

Very few companies do this, but it’s a good idea to plan for failures. You can have a procedure in place that would dictate how you’d deal with the inevitable failure. Such a time can be confusing and discouraging to your employees. If you have a set plan on how to react in the case of a failure, your employees with have something else to focus on. You could create a guide on what to do in the event of a failure.

You could include points like identifying the cause, minimizing the damage, creating failure report, organizing a meeting, etc. When you do this, you and your employees are less likely to panic or react without restraint. That would only maximize the effect of your failure. This would only help your business and turn your failures into something manageable.

Understand When You Need to Move On 

There are some business owners that refuse to move on from a failure. They keep trying to make things right and correct the problem. That’s good but you need to learn how to recognize the limit. If you continue to spend time and energy on a failure, you would never be able to focus on bigger, better things.

That’s why it’s important to learn how to let go. When you recognize that you’re wasting too much time and effort on a failure, it’s time to move back. Letting go of failure is one of the most important ways to deal with it. The more you cling to it, the more difficult it would be for your business to recover.

Look at Failures as an Opportunity to Grow

Most people forget just how much failures teaches us. Almost every successful business owner out there has experience with failure. It shows them what they need to avoid and which practices might lead to failure. You need to have a positive attitude towards failure and ensure that everyone in your team does to.

You can encourage this attitude by asking questions like, ‘What did we learn?’ or ‘How can we avoid this in the future?’ This encourages your employees to look at failures as an opportunity to grow. In most cases, employees won’t repeat a mistake ever again, after all, lessons taught by failures are very memorable.

How to respond to failure can be the difference between overall success and overall failure. You need to learn how to deal with it using restraint and maturity.