Developing your corporate persona

| November 3, 2015

Developing your corporate persona
As a small business owner, your brand is everything. It’s the emotions and ideas the buying public associates with your company, your logo and your business slogan. A poorly defined brand can translate to weak online visibility and mediocre sales.
One way for small businesses to boost brand awareness and become a voice of authority in their field is to develop their corporate identity. A well thought out public persona helps consumers understand your company’s mission and influences their buying decisions.

How do you structure your corporate persona?

Press releases

Not all small business owners understand how to structure a compelling public image, which is why they may lag behind their business rivals. One way to enhance your corporate persona is through optimised press releases. Press notices that incorporate relevant keywords with a hyperlink back to your landing pages can spread a positive buzz about your company and promote a respectable online reputation. Whenever you have newsworthy items to share – whether you’re touting your company’s new eco-friendly programs, promotions in the office or your charitable contributions – an optimised press release can create a powerful buzz, and you may even get written
up by the local press!


Another effective way to maintain a good corporate persona is by sending weekly or bimonthly newsletters to your email distribution list. In addition to promoting good news about your company, you can list current sales and promotions or give a discount exclusively for your distribution list. This makes users feel like they’re part of a special club and encourages them to visit your website and patronise your products. If you don’t have a large email list, don’t worry. You can place a widget on your website encouraging users to sign up. Consider giving an incentive for those who do.

A positive corporate personality can bolster sales and help you carve out a strong online identity. The above tips can get you started in the right direction and help increase your unique page views.

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