Your time is valuable; don’t let a potential customer waste it

| October 19, 2015

Your time is valuable; don’t let a potential customer waste it

Today’s business world is very focused on customer service. Not only the large corporations, but even the small business owners have had to raise the bar.

For the big corporations with entire departments dedicated to customer support, this isn’t a problem. For small business owners who often have to interact with the customers or clients personally, any changes to customer service can be a huge tax on time and effort.

As an entrepreneur, you cannot afford to indulge customers with endless phone calls and meetings in order to sell a product or service. Some customers may even act entitled, under the impression that in this world of intense competition, they have the right to demand your complete attention anytime they want.

What is the best way to walk away from this dilemma without endangering your business reputation?

Learn to recognize your ideal clients

Every business owner eventually learns to identify their most profitable clients.

They know by seeing how profitable clients present themselves, how they express their interest in the product or service and what kind of questions they ask.

Most genuine clients will be frank about their budget expectations and tends to refuse a product or service that falls outside of their budget immediately. These are serious clients who have walked into your business with a plan and a strong intent to buy.

Once you’re able to recognize a genuine client, you can easily recognize those who are not really serious about your product or service.

Keep this in mind so you’ll know who deserves your complete attention and time and who can be referred or delegated to someone else.

Judge the client on your first meeting

Get a good read on potential clients when you first meet them. Ask targeted questions that would allow you to see just how serious your clients are about doing business with you.

Ask questions about their timeline, their budget, their plans and expectations, see if there’s a problem that needs to be addressed and if it is urgent.  If the potential customer has precise and detailed answers, chances are they are serious clients. If not, they don’t need urgent, focused attention from you.

Have a set agenda

When you walk into a meeting with your client, have a set agenda. Keep in mind what you wish to discuss or what level of understanding you need to achieve with them. If you go to every meeting with a set agenda, you’re more likely to reach an agreement with your client faster.

Make it difficult for them to trouble you

Put barriers in the path of the more persistent clients, so that they have to expend some effort in order to reach you. Defer their calls to someone else from your business when you are busy.