Attract More Customers by Optimizing Your Website

| January 21, 2016

Attract More Customers by Optimizing Your Website

Your website is like your business property in the virtual world. You need to keep it clean and pretty to attract customers and leave an impression on them. There are many tech-savvy small business owners that regularly optimize their website and ensure that it performs well. However, there are a great number of people who simply don’t bother.

Business owners who aren’t tech-savvy usually find websites and digital marketing a bit of a hassle. That can cause them to ignore their website, which is a bad thing. If you want to keep up with the competition, you need to make sure that your website is optimized and helps your customers. Here’s what you need to do.

Take a Tour

You need to see things from your customer’s perspective. You can do that by taking a tour of your website the way your customer would. Search for a keyword, find the link to your website on the SERP, follow the link home, explore the website, etc. You should do this on your desktop and on your mobile, just to check how your website performs across different platforms.

When you’re exploring, make a note of every glitch, problem, or mistake you find. That would help you and your website developer later on. Exploring the website like this would help you spot areas where you can improve as well. For example, if you think that the design is outdated, make a note of it.

Give Your Website Some Personality  

If your website looks like every other website out there, you won’t gain much benefit from it. You need to find ways to make it stand out and seem unique. One of the best ways to achieve that is to add your own touch to your website. If you’re a faceless entity behind the business, your customers won’t be able to connect with you. Consider adding a welcome video and some photographs featuring you and your team.

In fact, you can even use cartoonish representations of yourself and your team in the About Us page. That would add an element on fun to your website. The idea behind this is to connect with your customers on a personal level. It also adds a level of legitimacy to your website. If the customers see your photographs and a message from you on the website, they’re trust you more.


SEO is not a set-and-forget solution. So the optimization you did several years ago will no longer be effective. SEO works best if you keep upgrading it. When you’re optimizing your website, get an expert to analyze it for SEO. That would help bring more traffic to your website.

Add Testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to reinforce the legitimacy of your company. They’re a way to build trust. We advise against creating fake testimonials because they simply won’t have the same impact as genuine ones. In fact, if you can add a couple of genuine video testimonials to your website, you’ll be able to improve your search rankings and gain confidence of your customers.