Are You a New E-Commerce Website? Here’s How you can get More Customers

| February 11, 2016

Are You a New E-Commerce Website? Here’s How you can get More Customers

Theses days, e-commerce websites are a dime a dozen. You can get virtually every product online and almost all businesses seem to have an e-commerce website. You’re entering into a very crowded and noisy market where everyone is shouting for attention. So, how can you gain recognition here? How can you attract customers when there are already so many businesses that are more established than you are?

Taking the right steps at the very beginning can improve your chances of attracting a solid customer base. You need to make sure that your company’s presence is noted and acknowledged. Here’s how you can do that.

Research Your Customers

Before you start trying to get the attention of your customers, try to understand them first. The information is available to you. There are companies that will sell big data with information about current trends, customer behaviour, and customer preferences. You will know everything that you need to know about the customers in your industry. You can use this information to design the right marketing campaigns and get your branding right. With research, you know where you need to start and that’s a great way to get on the right path.

Automated Email Newsletters

If you have knowledge about the customer requirements and preferences, you can design the best possible newsletters for them. If you automate these newsletters and direct them towards your customers regularly, you’ll be able to maintain visibility with them. The idea is to ensure that they don’t forget you.

The content of these letters is what stands between you and more revenue. Everything from the subject line to the design of the newsletter should be attention-grabbing. These letters will help ensure that if your customers need to buy a product, they won’t look elsewhere.

Social Reach

Automated emails are targeted towards your existing customers. But if you only focus on your current customers, you won’t experience growth or increase in revenue. Naturally, you need to spend some time and effort in getting new customers and social media is an excellent platform for that. You need to understand where most of your customers are first. Again, big data might prove useful here. Don’t assume that the answer would always be Facebook. In some cases, Facebook won’t give you the exposure you need.

For example, if you’re a company that’s targeting fresh graduates and young professionals, you’re better off engaging them on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. However, Facebook is a good place to start. You can try to increase the number of followers and fans on this platform.

You’ll need good content to engage customers on social media, but the effort is worth it. Moreover, social media will also give you a platform where you can constantly engage your customer’s interest. You can build and maintain a good relationship with them for as long as they follow you. This would increase your exposure and help you expand your customer base.