Top 7 Tips for Success in AdWords

| June 16, 2016

Top 7 Tips for Success in AdWords

Image courtesy of Stramark

AdWords or Pay-per click (PPC) advertising is one of the most popular digital marketing techniques used today. It places your ad right at the top of the search engine results pages and Google partner websites. These ads will help to maximize your brand’s visibility and revenue. PPC is also close to being instantaneous; once the ad is created and published though Google AdWords, you will be able to see results in a matter of days. But you will only see good results if you have a good plan in place so here are 7 tips that can help:

1. Landing Pages

Although often overlooked, the landing page is one of the most fundamental elements of an AdWords campaign. While the ad is the magnet that attracts prospective customers, the landing page is what helps to seal the deal. A well-designed landing page will lead to better conversion  and higher revenue. Conversely, a badly designed page will lead to high bounce rates and money wasted on valueless clicks.

2. Targeting

AdWords allows you to set a number of targeting parameters when you create a campaign. You can define the geographical region, audience, placement, language, device, and other such parameters. These options allow you to narrow the focus of you ads and ensure they’re only visible to the most promising search users, such as people who are already interested in or in the market to buy your products or services.

3. Keywords

PPC ads primarily target keywords. The search user types a search phrase and if it matches the keyword, your ad will be displayed on the results page. Therefore it is crucial that you choose the keywords you target carefully. Keep in mind that you should aim to target a combination of broad match, phrase match, exact match, and negative keywords.

4. Mobile

Mobile is set to overtake desktop search very soon. Thanks to the introduction of Siri and Google Now, it is  becoming much easier to search on the mobile platform than it is on the desktop, which is why you need to design PPC ads that specifically target this segment. Don’t ignore your mobile audience, especially if you run a local brick and mortar business.

5. A/B Testing

It is vital to test the performance of your ads regularly and make sure they give you good results. Sometimes, as market climate and demand changes over time, your ads can become ineffective very quickly. In such cases, you need to redesign the ad copy or keyword mix so that it becomes relevant again. Make sure you A/B test your changes thoroughly before you publish them online.

6. Analytics

Analytics is a tool that helps you analyse the performance of your ads to see if they are as effective as you need them to be, by keeping tab on your landing page visits and conversions. The tool will show you impressions, bounce rates, and other such vital information to help you gauge your return on investment.

7. Google Premier Partner

Successful Adwords campaigns require regular maintenance and a constant eye on performance, which is why most business owners leave the task in the hands of professionals. A Google Premier Partner is a great option for the busy small business owner. Google Premier Partners are trained and approved by Google and possess the skills needed to run a successful campaign.

These tips will help you create a successful PPC campaign that would lead to high-rates of conversions and increase in revenue.

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