Design tips for flyers

| June 21, 2016

Design tips for flyers

Flyers are an inexpensive way to advertise your business and the products and services you provide. More affordable than traditional forms of marketing such as print advertising, effectively designed flyers convey a clear message about your business. If you decide on a flyer run taking the following tips will help you get your message across.


Strong headlines, highlighting the benefits of your business and how they can help customers, are a great start to an effective flyer. Successful headlines encourage potential customers to read further by getting straight to the benefit, e.g. ‘Free Drinks with Every Meal’. Avoid using your business name and too many words in your headline, e.g. ‘Joe’s Restaurant are offering free drinks with every meal purchased’. You want to grab the reader’s attention.


When it comes to the flyer’s written content you want to keep the message simple and brief. Try to avoid long paragraphs; bullet points, sticking to the facts, are an easier way for customers to scan your flyer for the relevant info. Bold the important points and headlines, but do it sparingly. Avoid putting sentences in uppercase, as it makes it difficult to read and gives the impression you’re yelling at the reader.


The layout of flyer is an important consideration. Try not to overcrowd the flyer with wall-to-wall text. If a flyer is too busy, people just won’t read it. The use of white space makes it easier for the reader to scan the flyer and take in your message. Also use borders or boxes to make important text stand out to the reader.

Graphics or images

Graphics are another way to grab a customer’s attention. One large, striking and colourful image is more effective than a series of smaller ones. The graphic also needs to support the text, e.g. images showing before and after shots or your products being utilised. Images used in this way can be used as proof of the claims made in the text.

Call to action

Remember to hook your customers in with a call to action. A call to action is something your flyer encourages the reader to do, e.g. call your business or visit your website. Ideas to encourage actions from potential customers include offers of a special deal when you present the flyer, making it easy for customers to find your contact details, or clearly writing instructions on the steps you would like the reader to take.

Printing and distribution

Flyers can be used in letterbox drops, handed out in busy shopping centres, left in appropriate shops, directly mailed to customers or used by sales staff. There are lots of options so make sure you have the right amount printed. Also use a professional printer so your flyers are of a high quality and the colours stand out.