Tips to motivate casual staff

| June 21, 2016

Tips to motivate casual staff

Hiring permanent staff isn’t always necessary for small business. Depending on your business, your staff requirement may increase during school holidays, around the end of the financial year or during certain seasons. Casual workers are great way to get through the busy work periods while keeping costs down. How do you keep casuals inspired, though?


A temporary employee still wants to feel like part of the business. When they start, take them on a tour of the workspace, introducing them to co-workers, showing toilets, where to eat, nearby coffee spots, anything to make them feel comfortable. Present an induction to the business, explaining the goals and how the employee’s role works towards them. Give them the opportunity to ask any questions so they feel comfortable in their new role.


Try to integrate casuals into the business and treat them like all other employees. Invite them to appropriate meetings and keep them abreast of all business news. Keep them in the loop and not reliant on office gossip. Keep the lines of communication open so these workers can approach you easily with any issues.

Set up a workspace

On their first day, ensure they have all the equipment they require to do the job and it’s ready to go. If you work from a home office, set up a separate space for your casual worker. Let your other employees know you hired a casual. You don’t want their employment to look like an afterthought.

Explain the job

Often casual workers have little incentive to look at the bigger picture of your business. They’re working for a short period of time for an agreed wage. Before they start, go through the project they’re working on in detail. Explain how it fits into the overall business strategy and point out any challenges. Having the project explained from beginning to end gives employees a goal to work towards.


Regular feedback will make the casual recognise the importance of his or her work. Praise good work and offer constructive pointers if he or she needs direction. Also be open to any ideas your casual staff may have concerning your current business practices. A new set of eyes can offer new solutions.


A reward and incentive program may also inspire casual workers. Incentives don’t necessarily need to be financial rewards, although they probably won’t hurt. Try a voucher system at local stores or restaurants. In some cases the chance of full-time work can be motivation enough.