How Can Your Bloggers Help Your Business?

| January 15, 2016

How Can Your Bloggers Help Your Business?

Marketers keep urging business owners to start blogs, to write content that’s relevant, and establish their authority through that content. Most business owners would wonder just what the benefit of writing content is and would that benefit actually be worth the effort put into creating such content. Company blogs have almost become mandatory, with business owners outsourcing writing, picking out every available topic relevant to their industry as possible.

Doing it right is absolutely vital and sometimes hiring a professional has the biggest impact. An influential blogger will provide a much higher benefit than other paid ads. In fact, you’ll see a larger ROI with bloggers than you’ll see with ads featuring popular actors. Consider the following points for a moment.

The Influence

Popular bloggers command a massive amount of influence. Through their writing, they gather a large number of followers that would immediately take their recommendations at face value. Unlike actors and celebrities endorsing products, bloggers are always considered knowledgeable in their field. They look into the product, research its features, and write a piece that stakes their professional reputation on it.

And most of their readers are aware of this fact. Because of this, the blogger’s influence far surpasses that of celebrities, ads, and other such mediums. You can easily use this influence to your benefit and reach of to a wide variety of audience.


Bloggers are more cost effective than traditional ad mediums. You might pay much more for your PPC ads that you’d pay a blogger for a review piece of your product. Considering the amount of ROI you’ll get, influencer marketing is downright cheap. Naturally, the more influential the blogger is, the more you’ll have to pay.

For example, if a marketing company asks influential marketing industry bloggers to write a piece on their product and service, they won’t even have to pay half of what they pay to an actor or a celebrity, but will see almost double the ROI.

The Personal Touch

One of the best aspects of blogging is the personal touch it provides. Blog posts are usually packed with conversational tone, wit, humour, and openness. If your product or company is mentioned in such a context, it’ll immediately attract attention from the readers. That’s because you have added a human element to your product or service. You’re no longer a faceless and impersonal entity that doesn’t connect with the audience.


As we mentioned before, bloggers usually stake their reputation when they recommend a product or service. So when a blogger is recommending your product, it’s very likely that he or she truly believes in the product. Because their reputation is at risk and because bloggers rely solely on reputation, they wont risk it by endorsing a bad product. That’s especially true in case of very influential bloggers. That’s why a blogger can lend credibility to your business.

If you invest your money in influencer marketing, it’s very likely that it’ll start showing results within days of the piece being published. There’s just no reason not to do this.